A breed native to the Peloritani and Nebrodi Mountains in Val Demone, it is bred in mountainous areas of Messina, Palermo and Enna. The registry was activated in 2002. The Messina goat is an excellent milk producer. Its size is medium-small with a light head, straight profile. Both females and males have open horns tending to twist. In males the horns reach considerable size. Ears are horizontal or semi-horizontal to the side, and beards and canopies are generally present. The mammary apparatus is sheep-like, the limbs are of medium length with solid clawlets. The fleece is generally light but highly variable slate color (uniform, spotted or mottled, black, white, brown or red with various shades), the hair is long and the skin fine and elastic. On average, males reach 72 cm at withers and females 67.